Community Services

Purpose of department 

All citizens have a right to an environment that is not harmful to human health, and it imposes a duty on the State to provide community services that are accessible to the communities of DR. RSM in an efficient and effective manner


Objectives of department

The optimal and coordinated Municipal/ Environmental Health and Management Services; Co-ordinated and regulated Fire and Disaster management services


Dr. Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality’s Community Services Department is made out of the following Sections: Solid waste management services, Fire and Disaster and Environmental/ Municipal Health Services.

Solid Waste Management Services

The Local Government Municipal structures Amendment Act 2000 provide for the amendment of section 84 of the principal Act by substituting for subsection (1) as follows;

A District Municipality has the following function and power

(e) Solid Waste disposal sites [serving the area of the district municipality as a whole], in so far as it relates to---

  • The determination of a waste disposal strategy
  • The regulation of waste disposal
  • The establishment, operation and control of waste disposal sites, bulk waste transfer facilities and waste disposal facilities for more than one local municipality in the district.

Fire and Disaster Management Services

  • Planning, co-ordination and regulating fire services
  • Specialised firefighting services such as mountain, veldt and chemical fire services
  • Co-ordination of the standardisation of infrastructure, vehicles, equipment and procedures
  • Training fire officers

Fire Fighting Service - Local Municipality Function

The District Municipality is also responsible for provision of firefighting service to local municipalities in terms of Section 84 (1) j of the Municipal Structures Act, Act 117 of 1998. The Act further describes the local function as:

  • Preventing the outbreak or spread of a fire
  • Fighting or extinguishing a fire
  • The protection of life or property against a fire or other threatening danger
  • The rescue of life or property from a fire or other danger 

Environmental / Municipal Health Services

Water quality monitoring; Food control; Waste management; Health Surveillance of Premises; Surveillance and prevention of communicable disease excluding immunizations; Vector Control, Environmental Pollution Control; Disposal of the dead and  Chemical safety.

But exclude port health, malaria control and control of hazardous substances.

Environmental Management ( these services can be incorporated into EHPs trained as EMI cause they form part the function need further engagement as its principal activities are with the Provincial and National functions)

In order to promote the health and well-being of communities, the Environmental Health Practitioners of the MHS Section render the services through;

  • Building and Site Development inspections and Plans scrutiny;Various Premises Certification, including and not limited to Child care centres, Martenity homes, Beauty Salons, Prisons/police station holding cells, industrial premises, etc;
  • Premises Inspection; Residential, business and public premises, etc
  • Sample collection and Management and
  • Health awareness, Promotion campaigns and events.


Tel: 053 928 8334



Sheila Daniel
Tel: 053 928 6400