The Municipality
Vision and Mission


“A Developmental district, where sustainable service delivery is optimised, prioritised and realised”


“We provide efficient, effective and sustainable municipal service to the communities of the Dr Ruth Mompati District Municipality”

Institutional Values

  • Integrity: Observe work ethics, apply honesty at all times, and be reliable and responsible in what you do.
  • Excellence: Be the best in what you do, strive for efficiency and effectiveness. Be focused and work smart to achieve your goals. Employ skilled staff and invest in their training.
  • Teamwork: We strive to work together as a team. Delegate responsibly. Monitor and evaluate performance.
  • We have a sharing and caring culture.
  • Communication: Consult regularly with all stakeholders. Be open and transparent in your communication.
  • Provide effective feedback. Be accountable and responsible.
  • Innovation: Promote and harness creativity. Utilize appropriate technology. Invest in research and development.
  • Customer Orientation: Apply the customer care plan. Utilize the ward committees. Regular cluster meetings.
  • Professional call centre to interact with customers. Apply the Batho Pele Principles.